Source code for readfish.plugins.guppy

"""Guppy plugin module

Extension of pyguppy Caller that maintains a connection to the basecaller

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from minknow_api.protocol_pb2 import ProtocolRunInfo

    from pyguppy_client_lib.helper_functions import package_read
    from pyguppy_client_lib.pyclient import PyGuppyClient
except ImportError:

from readfish._loggers import setup_logger
from import CallerABC
from readfish.plugins.utils import Result
from readfish._utils import nice_join

    import minknow_api

__all__ = ["Caller"]

logger = logging.getLogger("RU_basecaller")
CALIBRATION = namedtuple("calibration", "scaling offset")

class DefaultDAQValues:
    """Provides default calibration values

    Mimics the read_until_api calibration dict value from
    all keys return scaling=1.0 and offset=0.0

    calibration = CALIBRATION(1.0, 0.0)

    def __getitem__(self, _):
        return self.calibration

_DefaultDAQValues = DefaultDAQValues()

[docs] class Caller(CallerABC): def __init__( self, run_information: ProtocolRunInfo = None, debug_log=None, **kwargs ): self.logger = setup_logger("readfish_guppy_logger", log_file=debug_log) self.supported_barcode_kits = None self.supported_basecall_models = None self.run_information = run_information logging.warn( "Deprecation warning - As ONT has moved fully to dorado, this plugin is no longer maintained, and will be deprecated in a future release of readfish." ) if self.run_information: self.guppy_version = ( self.run_information.software_versions.guppy_connected_version ) if parse_version(self.guppy_version) < parse_version("7.3.9"):"Connected to caller version {self.guppy_version}.") else: f"Trying to connect to minKNOW with caller version {self.guppy_version}. This plugin requires a version of Dorado or Guppy < 7.3.9. If this is stopping readfish from running try changing [caller_settings.guppy] to [caller_settings.dorado]. You should also check for any updates available to readfish." ) # Set our own priority self.guppy_params = kwargs # Remove the sample rate from the guppy params as it isn't required for the PyGuppyClient self.guppy_params.pop("sample_rate", None) self.guppy_params["priority"] = PyGuppyClient.high_priority # Set our own client name to appear in the guppy server logs self.guppy_params["client_name"] = "Readfish_connection" self.validate() self.caller = PyGuppyClient(**self.guppy_params) self.caller.connect()
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Validate the parameters passed to Guppy to ensure they will initialise PyGuppy Client correctly Currently checks: 1. That the socket file exists 2. That the Socket file has the correct permissions 3. That the version of py guppy client lib installed matches the system version :return: None, if the parameters pass all the checks """ for key in ("address", "config"): if key not in self.guppy_params: raise KeyError( f"Required `caller_settings.guppy` {key} was not found in provided TOML. Please add." ) if self.guppy_params["address"].startswith("ipc://"): # User is attempting to connect to an IPC socket socket_path = Path(self.guppy_params["address"][6:]) if not socket_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"The provided guppy base-caller socket address doesn't appear to exist. Please check your Guppy Settings. {self.guppy_params['address']}" ) # check user permissions: if not os.access(socket_path, os.R_OK): raise RuntimeError( f"The user account running readfish doesn't appear to have permissions to read the guppy base-caller socket. Please check permissions on {self.guppy_params['address']}. See for more information." ) if not os.access(socket_path, os.W_OK): raise RuntimeError( f"The user account running readfish doesn't appear to have permissions to write to the guppy base-caller socket. Please check permissions on {self.guppy_params['address']}. See for more information." ) # If we are connected to a live run, test if the base-caller model is acceptable. # Connected to a live run via the minknow_api - get supported basecall and barcoding kits from the run info. # Check them against provided values if self.run_information is not None: tags = self.run_information.meta_info.tags self.supported_basecall_models = tags[ "available basecall models" ].array_value # Make a CSV str a list of strings, removing quotes and square brackets if self.supported_basecall_models and isinstance( self.supported_basecall_models, str ): self.supported_basecall_models = ( tags["available basecall models"] .array_value[1:-1] .replace('"', "") .split(",") ) # Faff on with sorting out available barcoding kits # See self.supported_barcode_kits = tags["barcoding kits"].array_value # workaround for the set of barcoding kits being returned as a string rather # that array of strings if self.supported_barcode_kits and isinstance( self.supported_barcode_kits, str ): self.supported_barcode_kits = ( tags["barcoding kits"].array_value[1:-1].replace('"', "").split(",") ) if tags["barcoding"].bool_value: self.supported_barcode_kits.append(tags["kit"].string_value) # If we are connected to a live run, and have suitable base calling models check the base-caller model is suitable for the flowcell and kit if ( self.supported_basecall_models and f"{self.guppy_params['config'].replace('.cfg', '')}.cfg" not in self.supported_basecall_models ): raise RuntimeError( """The {} base-calling config listed in the readfish config TOML is not suitable for this flowcell and kit combination. Please check the guppy_config value in the caller_settings.guppy section of your TOML file. The following models are are given by ONT as suitable for this flow cell/kit combo:\n\t{}""".format( self.guppy_params["config"], nice_join( self.supported_basecall_models, sep="\n\t", conjunction="and", ), ) ) # If we are barcoding and have connected to a live run - try checking the listed barcode kit works with the flowcell and kit if ( barcoding_kits := self.guppy_params.get("barcode_kits", None) ) is not None: barcoding_kits = barcoding_kits.split() if barcoding_kits and not set(barcoding_kits).issubset( self.supported_barcode_kits ): raise RuntimeError( "Barcoding kits specified in TOML {} not amongst those supported by the selected kit and protocol.\nSupported kits are:\n\t{}".format( nice_join(barcoding_kits, conjunction="and"), nice_join( self.supported_barcode_kits, sep="\n\t", conjunction="and" ), ), ) return None
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """Call the disconnect method on the PyGuppyClient""" return self.caller.disconnect()
[docs] def basecall( self, reads: Iterable[tuple[int, minknow_api.data_pb2.GetLiveReadsResponse.ReadData]], signal_dtype: npt.DTypeLike, daq_values: dict[int, namedtuple] = None, ): """Basecall live data from minknow RPC :param reads: List or generator of tuples containing (channel, MinKNOW.rpc.Read) :param signal_dtype: Numpy dtype of the raw data :param daq_values: Dictionary mapping channel to offset and scaling values. If not provided default values of 1.0 and 0.0 are used. :yield: :rtype: readfish.plugins.utils.Result """ # FIXME: Occasionally guppy can report a read as not sent when it is # successfully sent. Therefore we capture not sent reads cache, skipped = {}, {} reads_received, reads_sent = 0, 0 daq_values = _DefaultDAQValues if daq_values is None else daq_values for channel, read in reads: # Attach the "RF-" prefix read_id = f"RF-{}" t0 = time.time() cache[read_id] = (channel, read.number, t0) success = self.caller.pass_read( package_read( read_id=read_id, raw_data=np.frombuffer(read.raw_data, signal_dtype), daq_offset=daq_values[channel].offset, daq_scaling=daq_values[channel].scaling, ) ) if not success: logging.warning(f"Could not send read {read_id!r} to Guppy") # FIXME: This is resolved in later versions of guppy. skipped[read_id] = cache.pop(read_id) continue else: reads_sent += 1 sleep_time = self.caller.throttle - t0 if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) while reads_received < reads_sent: results = self.caller.get_completed_reads() # TODO: incorporate time_received into logging? # time_received = time.time() if not results: time.sleep(self.caller.throttle) continue for res_batch in results: for res in res_batch: read_id = res["metadata"]["read_id"] try: channel, read_number, time_sent = cache.pop(read_id) except KeyError: # FIXME: This is resolved in later versions of guppy. channel, read_number, time_sent = skipped.pop(read_id) reads_sent += 1 res["metadata"]["read_id"] = read_id[3:] self.logger.debug( "@%s ch=%s\n%s\n+\n%s", res["metadata"]["read_id"], channel, res["datasets"]["sequence"], res["datasets"]["qstring"], ) barcode = res["metadata"].get("barcode_arrangement", None) # TODO: Add Filter here yield Result( channel=channel, read_number=read_number, read_id=res["metadata"]["read_id"], seq=res["datasets"]["sequence"], barcode=barcode if barcode else None, basecall_data=res, ) reads_received += 1
[docs] def describe(self) -> str: """ Describe the guppy Caller :return: Description of parameters passed to this guppy Caller plugin """ description = ["Utilising the Guppy base-caller plugin:"] for param in self.guppy_params.keys(): description.append(f"\t- {param}: {self.guppy_params[param]}") return "\n".join(description)