readfish plugins API module

Abstract Base Classes for readfish plugins

These classes define the expected structures and type information for readfish plugins. These are expanded on in the Developer’s guide.

Validation is left to the author of any plugins that inherits from either the AlignerABC or CallerABC. Things we suggest that are validated:

  • required keys - Keys that must be present in the TOML

  • correctly typed values - Values that have been passed in are correctly parsed

  • available input files - Check the existence of paths

  • writable outputs - Check permissions on output files

  • sufficient space/RAM/resource - Check Disk space at least

class, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC

Aligner base class.

abstract describe(regions, barcodes)[source]

Informatively describe the Aligner and how it is setup, to be logged for the user. For example reference size, reference file etc.


A string containing (preferably pretty formatted) information about the aligner

Return type:


abstract disconnect()[source]

Aligner disconnection method, this will be called after readish’s main loop finishes

abstract property initialised: bool

Is this aligner instance initialised.

This method should indicate whether the class is initialised and capable of aligning data. If it returns False readfish will be paused until it evaluates to True

abstract map_reads(basecall_results)[source]

Map and make a decision on an iterable of basecalled data.


basecall_results (Iterable[Result]) – An iterable, ideally from a generator, of Result classes


Yields Result classes with the Result.decision field filled and, optionally, Result.alignment_data

Return type:


abstract validate()[source]

Check for valid inputs to Aligner ABC, return none if no issue :return: None if setup is valid

class, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC

Caller base class.

abstract basecall(chunks, signal_dtype, daq_values)[source]

Basecall live data from the Read Until API.

  • chunks (list[tuple[int, minknow_api.data_pb2.GetLiveReadsResponse.ReadData]]) – Raw data wrapper from the MinKNOW RPC

  • signal_dtype (np.dtype) – The NumPy numpy.dtype for the raw signal bytes.

  • daq_values (dict[int, CALIBRATION]) – Mapping of channel number to it’s CALIBRATION values.


Yields Result classes with the, Result.read_number, Result.read_id, and Result.seq fields set.

Return type:


abstract describe()[source]

Informatively describe the Caller and how it is setup, to be logged for the user. For example the name of the caller, any connections made for basecalling, models used etc.


A string containing (preferably pretty formatted) information about the caller

Return type:


abstract disconnect()[source]

Caller disconnection method, this will be called after readfish’s main loop finishes

abstract validate()[source]

Check for valid inputs to Caller ABC, return none if no issue :return: None if setup is valid

readfish.plugins.utils module


alias of TargetInterval

class readfish.plugins.utils.Strand(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum representing the forward and reverse strand of DNA for alignments

forward = '+'

Forward strand

reverse = '-'

Reverse strand


Get the lengths of all contigs in the reference genome provided by an Aligner instance.


al (AlignerABC) – An Aligner instance representing the reference genome.


A dictionary mapping contig names to their respective lengths.

Return type:

dict[str, int]


Check if an item is empty.

This function checks whether the given item is empty. An item is considered empty if it is an empty Container (Set, Tuple, Dict, List etc.). For primitive types (Float, Int, String etc.), this function considers them non-empty. considers them non-empty.


item (Any) – The item to check for emptiness.


True if the item is empty, False otherwise.


Return type:


>>> is_empty(42)
>>> is_empty("Hello, world!")
>>> is_empty([])
>>> is_empty({})
>>> is_empty([1, 2, 3])
>>> is_empty({"a": 1, "b": 2})
>>> is_empty([[], [], []])
>>> is_empty([{}, {}])
>>> is_empty(None)

Recursively count all the bottom elements of an arbitrarily nested dictionary. If the bottom element v is a list, return the length of the list, else return 1 for each v at the bottom of the list.

Note - This will break for nested lists, i.e will only count the list as one, ignoring the sublists - see the last doctest for an example. This is not a problem for the current use case, but may be in the future.


d (dict[Any]) – Dictionary to count elements of, may or may not be nested


Count of elements at lowest point in tree

Return type:


>>> simple_dict = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
>>> count_dict_elements(simple_dict)
>>> string_dict = {"a": 1, "b": {"x": ["10", "2000"]}, "c": {"y": {"z": [30, 40, 50]}}}
>>> count_dict_elements(string_dict)
>>> nested_dict = {"a": 1, "b": {"x": [10, 20]}, "c": {"y": {"z": [30, 40, 50]}}}
>>> count_dict_elements(nested_dict)
>>> empty_dict = {"a": {}, "b": {"x": {}}, "c": {"y": {"z": []}}}
>>> count_dict_elements(empty_dict)
>>> mixed_dict = {"a": 1, "b": {"x": [10, 20]}, "c": {"y": {"z": [30, 40, 50], "w": 7.0}}}
>>> count_dict_elements(mixed_dict)
>>> empty_list_dict = {"a": [], "b": [{}], "c": [[], [], []]}
>>> count_dict_elements(empty_list_dict)

# Nested lists are not counted properly

>>> nested_list_dict = {"a": [], "b": [{}], "c": [[1, 2, [1, 2]], [], []]}
>>> count_dict_elements(nested_list_dict)
readfish.plugins.utils.sum_target_coverage(targets, genomes)[source]

Recursively find the coverage of the range of a set of Targets - ASSUMES bottoms elements are in the form dict[chromosome_name, tuple[float, float]] or tuple[int, int], i.e genomic coordinates

If there are no targets, return 0.

  • targets (Iterator[TargetInterval]) – An iterator of TARGET_INTERVAL objects. Obtained from the Targets.iter_targets() method.

  • genomes (dict[str, int]) – A dictionary of contig names to contig lengths. Used if a target is in the entire contig.


sum of distance covered by ranges of targets in d.

Return type:



Validates and converts the ‘start’ and ‘end’ fields in the given row dictionary to integers. If conversion is not possible, or if ‘start’ is greater than ‘end’, appends appropriate error messages to a list and returns the list along with the row dictionary. The error messages as intended to be collected and converted to a ValueError as part of a BaseExceptionGroup.


row (dict[str, str]) – A dictionary containing ‘start’ and ‘end’ fields, presumably as strings.


A tuple containing the possibly modified row dictionary and a list of error messages.


Return type:

tuple[dict, list[str]]

>>> row = {'start': '10', 'end': '5'}
>>> coord_validator(row)
({'start': 10, 'end': 5}, ['{target_specification_format} {line_number} start > end (10 > 5)'])
>>> row = {'start': 'a', 'end': '20'}
>>> coord_validator(row)
({'start': 'a', 'end': 20}, ["{target_specification_format} {line_number} start coordinate 'a' could not be converted to an integer"])
>>> row = {'start': '10', 'end': '20'}
>>> coord_validator(row)
({'start': 10, 'end': 20}, [])

Validates the ‘strand’ field in the given row dictionary to be either ‘+’, ‘-’, or ‘.’. If the ‘strand’ field is ‘.’, it is converted to ‘+-’. If the ‘strand’ field is not one of the mentioned valid values, an error message is added to a list of errors, and the list of error messages along with the modified row dictionary are returned.


row (dict[str, str]) – A dictionary containing a ‘strand’ field.


A tuple containing the possibly modified row dictionary and a list of error messages.


Return type:

tuple[dict, list[str]]

>>> row = {'strand': '.'}
>>> strand_validator(row)
({'strand': '+-'}, [])
>>> row = {'strand': 'x'}
>>> strand_validator(row)
({'strand': 'x'}, ["{target_specification_format} {line_number} strand 'x' not one of ['+', '-', '.']"])
>>> row = {'strand': '+'}
>>> strand_validator(row)
({'strand': '+'}, [])

Refer to for more details on the strand field in BED format.

readfish.plugins.utils.row_checker(row, mode='csv')[source]

Validates the given row dictionary based on the mode and returns the row along with any errors found during the validation.

The mode alters the behaviour. If the mode is ‘csv’, the row is allowed to only contain the contig. If it is “bed”, the first 6 columns of the BED format are required.

Refer to for more details on the strand field in BED format.

  • row (dict[str, str]) – A dictionary containing the row data.

  • mode (str | None) – A string indicating the target specification type, either ‘csv’ or ‘bed’.


A tuple containing the validated (and possibly corrected) row and a list of error messages encountered during validation.

Return type:

tuple[dict, list[str]]

>>> row = {'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': '1000', 'end': '2000', 'strand': '+'}
>>> row_checker(row, mode='csv')  # No errors, valid row
({'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': 1000, 'end': 2000, 'strand': '+'}, [])
>>> row = {'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': '2000', 'end': '1000', 'strand': '+'}
>>> # Coord validator will report an error due to start > end
>>> row_checker(row, mode='csv')
({'chrom': 'chr1', 'start': 2000, 'end': 1000, 'strand': '+'}, ['{target_specification_format} {line_number} start > end (2000 > 1000)'])
>>> row = {'chrom': None, 'start': '1000', 'end': '2000', 'strand': '+'}
>>> # Chromosome value is missing, an error will be reported
>>> row_checker(row, mode='csv')
({'chrom': None, 'start': 1000, 'end': 2000, 'strand': '+'}, ['{target_specification_format} {line_number} has no chromosome value'])
>>> row = ["chr1", 0, 1000, "+"]
>>> # Chromosome value is missing, an error will be reported
>>> row_checker(row, mode='csv')
(['chr1', 0, 1000, '+'], ['Input row is not a valid dictionary'])

ValueError – If the mode is neither ‘csv’ nor ‘bed’.

class readfish.plugins.utils.Decision(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Decision readfish has made about a read after Alignment

single_on: str = 'single_on'

The read aligned to a single location that is within a target region

single_off = 'single_off'

The read aligned to a single location that is not in a target region

multi_on = 'multi_on'

The read aligned to multiple locations, where at least one alignment is within a target region

multi_off = 'multi_off'

The read aligned to multiple locations, none of which were in a target region

no_map = 'no_map'

The read was basecalled but did not align

no_seq = 'no_seq'

The read did not basecall

above_max_chunks = 'above_max_chunks'

Too many signal chunks have been collected for this read

below_min_chunks = 'below_min_chunks'

Fewer signal chunks for this read collected than required

duplex_override = 'duplex_override'

Potential second half of a duplex read

first_read_override = 'first_read_override'

Read sequenced as translocated portion was of unknown length at start of readfish

class readfish.plugins.utils.Action(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Action to take for a read.

This enum class represents different actions that can be taken for a read during sequencing. Each action has a corresponding string value used for logging.

  • unblock – Send an unblock command to the sequencer.

  • stop_receiving – Allow the read to finish sequencing.

  • proceed – Sample another chunk of data.


Define an Action:

>>> action = Action.unblock

Access the string value of an Action:

>>> action.value
unblock = 'unblock'

Send an unblock command to the sequencer

stop_receiving = 'stop_receiving'

Allow the read to finish sequencing

proceed = 'proceed'

Sample another chunk of data

class readfish.plugins.utils.Result(channel, read_number, read_id, seq, decision=Decision.no_seq, barcode=None, basecall_data=None, alignment_data=None)[source]

Bases: object

Result holder

This should be progressively filled with data from the basecaller, barcoder, and then the aligner.

  • channel (int) – The channel that this read is being sequenced on

  • read_number (int) – The read number value from the Read Until API

  • read_id (str) – The read ID assigned to this read by MinKNOW

  • seq (str) – The basecalled sequence for this read

  • decision (Decision) – The Decision that has been made, this will by used to determine the Action

  • barcode (str | None) – The barcode that has been assigned to this read

  • basecall_data (Any | None) – Any extra data that the basecaller may want to send to the aligner

  • alignment_data (list[_AlignmentAttribute | _AlignmentProperty] | None) – Any extra alignment data

channel: int
read_number: int
read_id: str
seq: str
decision: Decision
barcode: str | None
basecall_data: Any | None
alignment_data: list[_AlignmentAttribute | _AlignmentProperty] | None
class readfish.plugins.utils.Targets(value=NOTHING, padding=0)[source]

Bases: object

Class representation of target regions of a genome.

This class is responsible for parsing and managing target regions specified either through a TOML file or provided as a list of strings.

  • value (Union[List[str], Path]) – The raw value from the TOML file, either a list of strings or a path.

  • _targets (Dict[Strand, Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]]]) – A nested dictionary containing parsed target information. This is not intended to be a part of the public API.



  • Using a list of targets:

    >>> targets = Targets.from_parsed_toml(["chr1,100,200,+"])
  • Using a .bed file:

    targets = Targets.from_parsed_toml(“/path/to/targets.bed”)

value: List[str] | Path
padding: int
classmethod from_parsed_toml(targets)[source]

Create the target array from the targets that have been read from the provided TOML file


targets (List[str] | str) – The targets array or a target file, containing a file per line

  • ValueError – Raised if the supplied target is a file that cannot be parsed

  • ValueError – If we fail to initialise class


Initialised targets class

Return type:


check_coord(contig, strand, coord)[source]

Check to see if a coordinate is within any of the target regions :param contig: The target contig name :param strand: The strand that the alignment is to :param coord: The coordinate to be checked :raises ValueError: If the strand passed is not recognised :return: Boolean representing whether the coordinate is within a target region or not

>>> targets = Targets(["chr1,10,20,+", "chr1,15,30,+"])
>>> targets.check_coord('chr1', "+", 15)
>>> targets.check_coord('chr1', "+", 5)
>>> targets.check_coord('chr1', "-", 15)
>>> targets.check_coord('chr1', "+", 31)  # Example where coord (31) is in reversed target interval (+ve strand) Should fail
>>> targets.check_coord('chr1', "-", 41)  # Example where coord (41) is in reversed target interval (-ve strand) Should fail
>>> targets.check_coord('chr1', "unknown_strand", 15)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unexpected strand unknown_strand

Get the start and end padding offsets for a given strand.


strand (Strand) – The strand for which to get the offsets.


A tuple containing the start and end offsets.


>>> targets = Targets(["chr1,10,20,+", "chr1,15,30,+"], padding=10)
>>> targets.get_offset(Strand.forward)
(-10, 0)
>>> targets.get_offset(Strand.reverse)
(0, 10)

Iterate over the intervals for a _Conditions target intervals, yielding TARGET_INTERVAL objects.

This method iterates over the target intervals stored in the Targets object and yields TARGET_INTERVAL objects representing each target interval.


Generator that yields TARGET_INTERVAL objects.


>>> targets = Targets(["chr1,10,20,+", "chr1,15,30,+"])
>>> for target in targets.iter_targets():
...     print(target)
TargetInterval(chromosome='chr1', start=10, end=30, strand=<Strand.forward: '+'>)
>>> targets = Targets(["chr1,10,20,+", "chr2,5,15,-"])
>>> for target in targets.iter_targets():
...     print((target.chromosome, target.start, target.end, target.strand))
('chr1', 10, 20, <Strand.forward: '+'>)
('chr2', 5, 15, <Strand.reverse: '-'>)
>>> targets = Targets(["chr1,10,20,+", "chr2,5,15,-", "chr1,25,35,-"])
>>> for target in targets.iter_targets():
...     print(target.chromosome, target.start, target.end, target.strand)
chr1 10 20 Strand.forward
chr2 5 15 Strand.reverse
chr1 25 35 Strand.reverse
class readfish.plugins.utils.PreviouslySentActionTracker(last_actions=NOTHING)[source]

Bases: object

A class to keep track of the last action sent from a channel.

This class provides methods to add and retrieve the last action sent for each channel.


last_action – A dictionary mapping channel IDs to the last sent action for that channel.


Initialize a PreviouslySentActionTracker:

>>> tracker = PreviouslySentActionTracker()

Add an action for channel number 1:

>>> from readfish.plugins.utils import Action
>>> action = Action.unblock
>>> tracker.add_action(1, action)

Retrieve the last action for a channel:

>>> retrieved_action = tracker.get_action(1)
>>> retrieved_action
<Action.unblock: 'unblock'>

Retrieve the last action for a channel that hasn’t sent any actions:

>>> no_action = tracker.get_action(2)
>>> no_action is None
last_actions: Dict[int, Action]
add_action(channel, action)[source]

This method adds an action to the last sent action tracker.

  • channel (int) – The channel to add the action to.

  • action (Action) – The action to add to the channel.


This method checks the last action sent for a channel, returning the action if it exists, otherwise returning None.


channel (int) – The channel to check the last action for.


The last action sent for the channel, or None if no action has been sent.

Return type:

Action | None

class readfish.plugins.utils.DuplexTracker(previous_alignments=NOTHING, previous_decision=NOTHING)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper class to keep track the alignment location of the latest read seen on a channel, and previous decision made, tracking whether we made a duplex override on the last read Specifically, we store a list of tuples of any target contig names and strands that were aligned to, keyed to channel number and the previous decision for a read made on that channel. The decision should only be updated when a read has been finalised and should not be seen again, i.e a Stop receiving or Unblock has been sent to MinKNOW No maps are specified as (*, *)

previous_alignments: Dict[int, list[tuple[str, Strand]]]
previous_decision: Dict[int, Decision]

Get the previous decision seen on this channel.


channel (int) – The channel number.


Previously seen decision

Return type:


>>> dt = DuplexTracker()
>>> dt.get_previous_decision(1) is None
>>> dt.set_decision(1, Decision.duplex_override)
>>> dt.get_previous_decision(1)
<Decision.duplex_override: 'duplex_override'>
set_decision(channel, decision)[source]

Set the previous decision for a given channel number.

  • channel (int) – The channel number.

  • decision (Decision) – The decision taken. Should be the final decision,

i.e we won’t see the read again. >>> dt = DuplexTracker() >>> dt.set_decision(1, Decision.no_map) >>> dt.previous_decision[1] <Decision.no_map: ‘no_map’>


Retrieves last alignments, including no maps seen on the given channel.

  • channel (int) – The channel number to lookup the previous action for

  • read_id – Read of ID of the current alignment


Returns a tuple of (contig_name, strand), for the last alignment seen on this channel

Return type:

list[tuple[str, Strand]]

>>> dt = DuplexTracker()
>>> dt.get_previous_alignments(1) is None
>>> dt.set_alignments(1, [("contig1", Strand.forward), ("contig2", Strand.reverse)])
>>> dt.get_previous_alignments(1)
[('contig1', <Strand.forward: '+'>), ('contig2', <Strand.reverse: '-'>)]
set_alignments(channel, alignments)[source]

Add an alignment that has been seen for a channel.

  • channel (int) – The channel number to set the alignment for.

  • target_name – The name of the target contig aligned to

  • strand – The strand we have aligned to.

>>> dt = DuplexTracker()
>>> dt.set_alignments(1, [("contig3", Strand.forward), ("contig4", Strand.reverse)])
>>> dt.previous_alignments[1]
[('contig3', <Strand.forward: '+'>), ('contig4', <Strand.reverse: '-'>)]
possible_duplex(channel, target_name, strand)[source]

Compare the current alignment target_name and strand for a given channel with the previous alignment target_name and strand.

If the strand is opposite and the target is the same, return True, else False. :param channel: Channel number to fetch alignment for :param target_name: The name of the target contig for the current alignment :param strand: The strand of the current alignment :return: True if the strand is opposite and target contig the same

>>> dt = DuplexTracker()
>>> dt.set_alignments(1, [("contig5", Strand.forward)])
>>> dt.possible_duplex(1, "contig5", Strand.reverse)
>>> dt.possible_duplex(1, "contig6", Strand.reverse)

readfish.plugins.guppy module

Guppy plugin module

Extension of pyguppy Caller that maintains a connection to the basecaller

class readfish.plugins.guppy.Caller(run_information=None, debug_log=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CallerABC

basecall(reads, signal_dtype, daq_values=None)[source]

Basecall live data from minknow RPC

  • reads (Iterable[tuple[int, minknow_api.data_pb2.GetLiveReadsResponse.ReadData]]) – List or generator of tuples containing (channel, MinKNOW.rpc.Read)

  • signal_dtype (npt.DTypeLike) – Numpy dtype of the raw data

  • daq_values (dict[int, namedtuple]) – Dictionary mapping channel to offset and scaling values. If not provided default values of 1.0 and 0.0 are used.


Return type:



Describe the guppy Caller


Description of parameters passed to this guppy Caller plugin

Return type:



Call the disconnect method on the PyGuppyClient


Validate the parameters passed to Guppy to ensure they will initialise PyGuppy Client correctly

Currently checks:
  1. That the socket file exists

  2. That the Socket file has the correct permissions

  3. That the version of py guppy client lib installed matches the system version


None, if the parameters pass all the checks

Return type:


readfish.plugins.mappy module

readfish.plugins._no_op module

A no operation plugin module, used for pass through behaviour.

This module implements a basic Aligner and Caller that do nothing and the minimum required behaviours respectively. They are here for when readfish expects an action that may not be required. For example if using a signal based alignment approach that module can replace the Caller and completely remove the extra alignment step.

To achieve this the _no_op.Caller will only iterate the raw data from the Read Until API and yield the minimal Result structs for the targets script to use:

    channel=<channel number>,

The seq field will always be empty. This is of little (essentially no) use outside of an unblock all or something completely random where you don’t want or need any sequence.

In addition the _no_op.Aligner will pass through the iterable from the caller module without modifying/adding anything. This behaviour can be useful if a plugin can complete it’s entire decision in a single step.

class readfish.plugins._no_op.Aligner(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AlignerABC

describe(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Describe the no_op Aligner instance



Return type:



Will always return None, does nothing.


Will always return True


Pass through the basecall_results iterable that is supplied.


Validate the “Aligner” - will always return None, as there is no Aligner


None, always

Return type:


class readfish.plugins._no_op.Caller(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CallerABC

basecall(chunks, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a minimal Result instance from live data from the Read Until API.

This will use the actual channel, read number, and read ID but will set an empty string for the seq field.


chunks (list[tuple[int, minknow_api.data_pb2.GetLiveReadsResponse.ReadData]]) – Raw data wrapper from the MinKNOW RPC


Yields Result classes with the, Result.read_number, Result.read_id, and Result.seq fields set.

Return type:



Describe the no_op Caller.


A description string for the no_op Caller instance.

Return type:



Will always return None, does nothing.


Validate the “Caller” - will always return None, as there is no Caller


None, always

Return type:
