Source code for readfish._loggers

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import argparse
from logging.handlers import QueueHandler, QueueListener
import queue
from typing import Callable
from readfish.__about__ import __version__

[docs] def setup_logger( name: str, header: str | None = None, log_format: str = "%(message)s", log_file: str | None = None, log_console: bool = False, mode: str = "a", level: int = logging.DEBUG, propagate: bool = False, queue_bound: int = 100_000, ) -> logging.Logger: """ Configures and returns a `logging.Logger` object with handlers specified by the values set in ``log_file`` and ``log_format``, specified format, and level. A custom header can be included if logging to a file. Log messages will be formatted using the provided format string. :param name: Name to assign to the logger. :param header: Optional header to write at the top of the log file. :param log_format: Format string for log messages using % formatting, default is "%(message)s". :param log_file: Path to the file where logs should be written. :param log_console: Whether to log to console. If True, a console StreamHandler is added. :param mode: Mode to use when opening the log file, default is 'a' (append). :param level: Logging level, where logging.LEVEL is one of (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). Default is logging.DEBUG. :param propagate: Whether the logger should propagate messages to higher-level loggers, default is False. :param queue_bound: Maximum number of log messages to store in the queue, default is 100_000. If full, adding to queue will block until space is available. :returns: Configured :class:`logging.Logger` instance. :Example: >>> logger = setup_logger('my_logger', log_console=True, level=logging.INFO) >>>'This is an info message') >>> import tempfile >>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=True) as tmpfile: ... logger = setup_logger('my_logger',, header='Time\tMessage', level=logging.INFO) :raises IOError: If an I/O error occurs while opening or writing to the file. :Note: - If `log_file` is specified, a QueueHandler and QueueListener will be used to send logs to the specified file. The Queue will be bounded, with a default size of 100_000. Putting to queue will block if full. - If `log_file` is specified and `log_console` is False, logs will only be recorded to the specified file. - If `log_console` is True, logs will be sent to console irrespective of whether `log_file` is specified. - If `log_file` is None and `log_console` is False, logs will be sent to a `logging.NullHandler` instance. - If `header` is provided and the file specified by `filename` already exists, the header will not be written to the file. """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) if log_file is not None: try: if header is not None: with open(log_file, "x") as file: file.write(f"{header}\n") except FileExistsError: pass # File already exists, proceed to normal logging. except IOError as e: logging.error(f"Unable to write header to {log_file}: {e}") log_queue = queue.Queue(queue_bound) queue_handler = QueueHandler(log_queue) logger.addHandler(queue_handler) handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, mode=mode, encoding="utf-8") handler.setFormatter(formatter) listener = QueueListener(log_queue, handler) listener.start() if log_console: handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) if log_file is None and not log_console: logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) logger.setLevel(level) logger.propagate = propagate return logger