# Getting Started Readfish is an adaptive sampling implementation for [ONT](https://nanoporetech.com) sequencers. So to begin with you will need an ONT sequencer, currently we support the MinION Mk1B, GridION, and PromethION platforms. As we use live base-calling and alignment the computer that is controlling the sequencer will also need to be capable of base-calling; ideally this would use a GPU. We recommend for alignment that you pre-prepare a minimap2 index (`.mmi`) file. This can be done by using the `minimap -d` flag. An example command - ```bash minimap2 -d .mmi .fasta ``` Where `output_index` is the name of the index file to be output and `input_reference` is the name of the FASTA file that you want indexing. This is then provided as the `fn_idx_in` value of the TOML file. ## Testing your computer ```{include} ../README.md :start-after: :end-before: ```